Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Canvas Crazy: A Series

Project #3: Bedskirt

Difficulty Level: Easy
Price Range: $5-10 depending on size of bed

One thing that chaps my hide (I have always loved that saying... no idea why) is the cost of bedding.  Even at "cheap" places, bedding is expensive.  I looked everywhere for a bedskirt for our guest bedroom and this is what I found:

Bedskirt from Bed Bath and Beyond, neutral color, no ruffles, $40!!!  That much money for something that serves no purpose other than hiding the ugly medal bed frame.  So I dove into my supply of canvas and made one!

Here are the step-by-step instructions (all I can think of when I type that phrase is the TV show that used to be on with Suzanne Somers... I loved that show at one point in my life and I am not ashamed to admit it).

Step 1: wash, dry, and iron canvas

Step 2: measure how tall your bed frame is so you know how long to make the edges of the bedskirt (I used an old bedskirt as a guide)

Step 3: remove husky puppy from bedskirt

Step 4: cut fabric to size... I actually stitch the canvas directly to the old bedskirt because I do not want to waste canvas on the part of the bedskirt that is hidden by the mattresses

Step 5: step back to take photo of progress and trip over sleeping husky puppy

Step 6: get dirty look from husky puppy who was so rudely awakened when you almost killed yourself tripping over her

Step 7: pin the cut canvas to the existing bedskirt, stitch together, and repeat on all three exposed sides

Step 8: cut away the decorative portion of the original bedskirt (for me, this involved removing the brown and blue striped fabric so I was left with the white portion that goes under the mattresses and the canvas edges)

Step 9: enjoy your $5 bedskirt that you can complete in around two hours (unless you have a husky puppy too)

Please excuse the horrible picture quality and the awful green paint in the photo above... this room is a work in progress.

Check back tomorrow to learn how to create canvas pillow covers and canvas flower rosettes.




  1. I'm lovin' this series....and the husky! I have the same bed skirt as the one above. Mine is torn in several places because of the dog. Can't wait to see what you've got tomorrow! :)

  2. Found you on Beyond the Picket Fence link party. The sheets in our guest bedroom are starting to fall apart I keep putting off buying a new set due to the cost. After we move I will have to try this idea. Stop by my blog if you get a chance

    P.S. I want your dog!!!

  3. Jamie... I visited your blog! You have some awesome ideas.

    In regards to the dog... she is a siberian husky with the greatest personality and the worse shedding problem. I mean, this girl fills my Dyson on a bi-weekly basis.

    I hope you still want to be friends after hearing that last part :)
